


A. Affirmations term
To facilitate the understanding and research as well avoid misunderstanding on the title of this thesis, the first author would express limitation of the terms and intentions contained in the title. The terms are according to constituent needs explanation is as follows:
Educating is a series of real effort in saving the nature of parents of children Islamiyah, developing the potential of kids think, the potential sense, initiative, work and develop the potential of healthy children. [1]
In a large Indonesian dictionary that is nurturing and educating give training (teaching, guidance, leadership) about the moral and intelligence of the mind. [2] What is meant in the title of this is done by educating parents on their children.
Children supernormal
Child is a person who is at a time and a certain development and has the potential to become an adult. [3] In order for the discussion is too broad here then children aged 6-12 years, ie during school age.
While the super supernormal means more than or above, normal ordinary meaning. So that is a supernormal levels above normal. [4] While the intention in this essay supernormal child is a child who has intelligence above the normal children. The level of supernormal children, namely:
a. Superior Children represent groups who have an IQ of 110-125
b. Gifted Children represent a group who has an IQ of 125-140
c. Child Genius represent groups who have an IQ of 140-200. [5]
Perspective means point of view, the view. [6] In this thesis the term given the perspective of understanding how when viewed in terms of Islamic education.
Islamic Education
Islamic education is to prepare and develop some aspects (body, mind, spirit) in the human individual students or the process continues over time since he was born until he died and at that point he became a human being efficient and effective for himself and others. [7] In this thesis Islamic education is an education in accordance with the teachings of Islam which include basic and objectives of Islamic education.
So the assertion in accordance with the terms of the above title is meant to Educate Children supernormal in Perspective of Islamic Education is the effort of parents in educating children who have above normal intelligence to be useful to themselves and society so as to achieve a brighter future with an Islamic perspective that aims to prepare students both in terms of physical, spiritual, independent of human reason in order to be qualified and useful to society, nation and state and religion.

B. Background problem
In the current era of globalization, the world is getting narrower. Advances in science and technology increasingly rapid rise to various impacts in all areas of human life. Both effects are positive or negative. In this respect education has a role in building the nation in the future to achieve prosperity and welfare are evenly distributed.
In the face of Indonesia as soon as possible advancement should improve the quality of human resources (HR) and unnecessary delay. Because the qualified human resources of Indonesia will be able to follow progress. Qualified human resources is the overall human development. Qualified human is a human who develops an optimal physical, cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual.
Unconsciously nation Indonesia has the seeds of superior quality human resources that can be used. The seeds of children who have a higher intelligence or could be called a supernormal child.
Supernormal child has advantages different from normal children. In terms of physical slightly superior to either high, weight and health. Better able to concentrate in a relatively long time, capable of creation, capable of understanding ranging from material to abstract problems. Because of advantages in terms of intelligence, then tend to hang out with kids older have more physical skill and experience. [8]
Advantages possessed supernormal children is important for developed and mentored. Because children who have more intelligence like plants that need someone who can guide and help him develop naturally, eliminating the obstacles that exist in front, and paved the way for him. And they need someone who can understand and appreciate its advantages.
If the supernormal child is not provided educational services, not to be guided and educated not in accordance with its needs are unique, so that its potential can be realized less then in addition to losing the seeds of excellence for the development of the Indonesian nation and state, these children can be harmed even be a problem child, and could be out of school. [9] It is clear that the supernormal child requires special education and guidance and serious.
Efforts to guide and educate children to become supernormal quality human resources and has a bright future will be successful if supported by parents and society. Parents have a very important role, because the parents who find some of the characteristics of children at a very early age, when he membangdingkan with other children the same age, sometimes a mother knows her daughter's talent through a variety of intelligent questions he asked. In addition to parents, communities also have a very big role. Because they thrive in the environment is society that can affect both the poor child.
But most parents believe that children who have high intelligence is not experienced fear, because they are able to overcome their own problems, parents consider that their child has everything. Though children do not have the supernormal ability to achieve the right path without help from others, because they need help in creating and showing potential. They not only need motivation, but more needs understanding and participation and support. Masyarakatpun paid little attention to smart kids, do not give suggestions, and do not arouse the internal capabilities to create and be creative. Community to enforce them the same as the others, there is nothing different or special. This is where the children find an environment that seems not to appreciate as it should and did not know their strengths. As a result makes them weak or shake and can kill creativity factors and eliminate the signs of intelligence. No obahnya as a special seed grown in arid lands, not fertilized and not watered-lively allowed to live his life.
Even worse parents are less aware about the state of children belonging to supernormal so if their children do the things that make no sense, parents can not understand. It could be that parents would just get angry, punishing, and always blamed. It is therefore necessary for parents to understand and know the signs of intelligence and the characteristics of supernormal children.
Educating children is a heavy responsibility. The Prophet SAW has said exactly that responsibility is as a leader, as a leader must be careful Cosmos, which he leads. Parents should continue to supervise and pay attention so confident that their children do not get lost and fall.
A person can not be allowed to grow and develop just like that with no one caring and guiding, because the child can grow wildly out of control. Education is the responsibility and duty of parents as a child as a trust of Allah Almighty. Therefore, parents should not neglect the needs of the child's affection, protection, education and so on. As word of the Prophet Muhammad in a hadith:
اكرموا اولا دكم واحسنوا أدبهم فان اولادكم هدية اليكم (رواه ابن ماجة)
"Honor your children and consider all of their education, because all children are God's gift to you." [10]
Hadiths above contains a command on parents to pay attention to education and lead children to the moral formation in accordance with the noble teachings of Islam.
To be a proper balance and happiness in the world and the hereafter on supernormal children need planting ahlakul kharimah for qualified human resources in charge of the most elementary is the attitude of life is conducive ahlakul kharimah. Supernormal child is a wealth of human resources that are not measurable value. They not only belong to parents but to the communities in which they grow. Therefore, do not squander this great wealth. With a willingness to meet positive, praising the creation and work and educate them, to become scholars and community leaders a lot of people based on religious teachings.
Of the drafters wanted to examine the issue of how to educate children who have the advantage of intelligence to be able to build the life of the nation in view of Islamic education.
For that in this thesis, drafters deliberately raised the issue supernormal educate children in Islamic education perspective, authors assume that intelligence is a potential that will produce the next generation of capable and qualified to understand His message, to understand his existence in accordance with the teachings of religion if there is effort to guide and educate.

C. Problem formulation
Based on the above background, then what are at issue in this thesis are:
How do the characteristics of supernormal children?
How to educate children in the educational perspective supernormal

D. Reason Selection Title
Things that encourage the authors to select titles are:
Islamic education is an attempt to prepare children to become an independent human being and a happy human world and the hereafter.
Possessed of intelligence and child is a potential reservoir of talented human resources development of the country so that Indonesia for the future will further increase is more appropriate to achieve the desired results.
Educating the responsibility and obligation of parents. In educating the parents is not easy to know the potential and characteristics of children sahingga know the correct ways of educating children to have a good future.

E. And the common use of research objectives
Based on the above problems, the purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of supernormal children and know the efforts of parents in educating children supernormal in the view of Islamic education.
To provide information to parents and prospective parents in educating children who have more intelligence and motivate the public to always take the child's development and also the results of this study will be expected to be useful for the progress of nations and countries, especially Islamic generation.

F. Reader Review
In writing this essay, penyususn been trying to gather data derived from the findings that matches the theme above. The books are:
Thesis sister Siti Nurhayati of 2003, entitled Developing Children's Intellectual Intelligence of Islamic Education in Perspective (Book Review: Build Your Child's Genius Sakuntala Devi)
In this thesis contains the know-how or business of parents and teachers in developing, generating intelligence so that the seeds of intelligence and genius children can emerge and be realized optimally as viewed from the perspective of Islamic education. In this thesis emphasized the efforts of parents and teachers in raising children to be smart and genius.
Thesis Danar Setyorini sisters in 2002, entitled Development of aspects of cognition in children age 0-6 years Implications And Terapannya In Islamic Education.
In this thesis contains the capacity building effort on aspects of cognition in children aged 0-6 years and its application in Islamic education. In this thesis focused on developmental aspects of cognition that is owned by each child.
Thesis brother Abdul Aziz in 1995, entitled Concept Learners According to Islamic Education.
In this thesis about the concept of students in the light of Islamic education and in this thesis is more emphasis on children as objects that can be trained, mentored, and developed.
There are several things that makes this paper different from the writings of the above. In this paper authors try to focus this discussion on the efforts of parents in educating children who have the intelligence advantage in point of view of Islamic education.

G. Theoretical framework
Islamic attitudes towards intellectual education of the children reflected characteristic as "din nature". Islamic view and respect for human potential as the potential is not in bits and pieces intact, as Allah says in Sura. Al-Mulk: 23 reads:
قل هو الذي انشاكم وجعل لكم السمع والابصار والافئدة قليلا ما تشكرون
It means: "... let's say: He Who created you and made for you hearing, sight and hearts (but) very little you give thanks." [11]
From the above verse shows that Islam is to respect and encourage intellectual potential as well as outline the specific media that can assist parents in educating and developing the intellectual potential of children. [12]
The education process is basically to help develop its potential in order to develop optimally, so that children are able to carry out his duties as a caliph in the earth. Simply qualifying human beings capable of acting as "subjects" caliph in the earth are those who have faith and commitment to mastering science and technology to uncover the laws of nature (sunatullah) in order to prosper life on earth. [13]
Islam obliges parents to educate and nurture all aspects of physical growth of children's personality, intellect, spiritual, moral and social behavior to prepare young people to cope with life in the community. Sabagaimana words of the Prophet in his hadith:
علموا اولادكم واهليكم الخير وادبوهم (رواه عبد الرزاق وسعيد بن منصور)
It means: "Teach the goodness (ethics and morals) to your children (male and female) and family (husband and wife) and bring them up (think physical education)." (Narrated by 'Abdurrazzak and Said bin Mansur) [14 ]
Family is very important agency in the parenting process. Although not the only factor, the family is a crucial element in shaping a child's personality and abilities.
Family function in this case is how the role of parents in order to form the personality of the child, educate and develop the potential of the academy, religious and moral potential. The closeness of the parents obviously gave a great influence in the process of formation in the appeal influence exerted by the other educational components. [15]
In addition to family environmental factors that are not less important is the school. School is a huge environmental impact on the growth and development of the mind. [16]
Education in order to succeed requires a good educational situation, educational materials and methods to educate the right. [17] For that parents should prepare children both in terms of body, mind, and spiritually so that he became the members of society benefit both to themselves and society .
Supernormal child is a child who has above normal intelligence. Children belonging to supernormal is a child who has intelligence above 110.
The calcification of children belonging to supernormal based on the high level of intelligence according to the experts is:
a. Robert S. Woodwort and Donalt C. Marquis sabagai supernormal children share the following types:
IQ calcification
140 - up Genius
130-139 Very Superior
120-129 Very Superior
110-119 Superior
b. Baker supernormal classify children into three groups:
IQ Classification
140-200 Genius
125-140 Gifted
110-125 Rapid
c. According to Gauss (the distribution of IQ scores according to the normal curve gauss), namely:
IQ Classification
Above 139 prominent sanagt
120-139 Prominence
110-119 Above normal
90-109 Ordinary (average)
80-89 Under normal
76-79 Boundary retarded
Below 70 mentally Retarded
d. According to the Stanford Binet:
IQ Classification
140-169 Very superior
120-139 Superior
110-119 High Average
e. According to Terman:
IQ Classification
140 - Above Near Genius Of Genius
120-140 Very Superior Intellegence
110-120 Superior Intellegence
f. According to Wechsler:
IQ Classification
130-200 Genius
120-129 Very clever
110-119 Clever [18]
From some of these classifications can be concluded, that on average are classified as supernormal child is a child who has intelligence above 110 and could be called a child prodigy, very superior and superior.
Educating children supernormal generally the same as usual educate normal children because every child needs love, security, attention and encouragement from parents. Because the child has supernormal intelligence so high that the nature and behavior is different then the needs were different from the usual normal children. Hence, in particular in order to educate more fulfilled all his needs.
Parents can educate their children are super at home, by creating a house full of excitement and the implementation of the learning process a fun way:
Provide facilities such as books, toys, pencils, paper, crayons, clay, audio cassettes and video tapes. Because these objects is important for an emerging genius.
Expand compliment.
The joy of sharing. [19]
According Sutratinah Tirtonegoro Some work can be done to her supernormal:
Creating a harmonious home environment, in harmony and balance in the child supernormal.
Preparing the physical environment means the natural-social-which allows the child to develop his abilities. [20]
In addition, parents also need to use appropriate methods to enhance the learning process super, a method that could lead to stimulation and excitement of learning activities are actively:
Developing Identity
Browse library
Take a walk outdoors
Creating and ask questions. [21]
According to Abdullah Ulwan fate, so that science, thought and brain possessed the more mature the child, parents must provide the means and varied cultures that are useful are:
Establishing a library
Visiting the museum
Visiting the library
Instilling the desire to keep reviewing. [22]
Educating with the provision of assistance and encouragement will give children the feeling that he was living in a world of fun among the people who understand and appreciate it. It will grow in her love of science and knowledge. Guidance provided superior children both at home and at school anyway so with the understanding and acceptance of his ideas will create the seeds for the emergence of a researcher, thinker, or scientist of the future. Coaching that will help him to receive and display the intellectual abilities that will be very important for community service. [23]
Islamic Education act as producers of output that has high intelligence. Out put that high intelligence is characterized by the extent to which they are able to think of new innovations that solve the problems of life. Islamic education and also trying to prepare their students for the world happiness hereafter acquire in accordance with the objectives. Islamic Education also makes a man perfect protege.

H. Research Methods
This type of research
This type of research in this thesis is a literary or research library (Library Research) means a study to examine the books that have anything to do with the discussion of this essay is taken from the library. All sources are in written materials related to research issues.
Data Collection Methods
Since this paper is the research literature (Research Library), the data are taken from various sources of writings, both from magazines, scholarly writings and others concerned with the material which the author discussed. As for research methods in the can from some of the data include:

Primary data sources
The primary data source in this research that the book is titled "Son of supernormal and its Education Program", Dra. Sutratinah Tirtonegoro, (Jakarta, Literacy Development, 1984), "Wake Your Child's Genius", Sakuntala Devi, (Bandung, Nuance Foundation Scholar, 2002), "Children's Education According to Islam: Basic Rule-Rule", Abdullah fate Ulwan, (Bandung Teens Rosdakarya, 1992), "Wanting Children Sholeh: Principles of Child Education in Islam", Asnelly Ilyas Introduction zakiah Darajat (Bandung, Mizan al-Bayan, 1998)
Secondary Data Sources
The secondary data source is a book entitled: 'Children The Shining ", Sadik Samaan and zakiah Darajat, (New York, the Crescent Star, 1980)," Bright And Shining ", Joan Freeman And Utami Munandar, (Jakarta, Pustaka Utama , 2001), I and my son, Practical Guidance Towards Educating Young Children, Ma'ruf Zurayk, (Bandung, Al-Bayan, 1998)
Methods of Data Analysis
In this study data analysis method used is descriptive analytical method. Descriptive analytical method is an attempt to collect and compile the data, then attempted the analysis and interpretation of data. [24]
The steps in the research methods of descriptive analysis are:
Comparing similarities and differences of certain phenomena and then take the form of a comparative study.
Conducting assessment
Setting standards (normative)
Establishing relationships and position (status) of one element with another element
Draw conclusions. [25]
In this method of data analysis using scientific thinking as follows:
1. Deductive
Deductive mindset that thought patterns using a grounded analysis of notions or facts that are public, then investigated and the results can solve specific problems. [26]
2. Inductive
Inductive mindset that is grounded in the facts of a special nature and researched and finally found a general problem-solving. [27]

I. Systematics Discussion
To illustrate the discussion in this thesis thoroughly and systematically, then the writing of this essay prepared by systematics as follows:
In writing this thesis consists of five chapters, preceded by several pages that include page titles, page memorandum of services, approval page, the page the motto, dedication page, preface and table of contents page, then proceed chapter I, chapter II, chapter III, chapter IV and chapter V
Chapter I is an introduction that consists of the affirmation of the term, background problems, formulation of the problem, the reason for the selection of the title, purpose and usefulness of writing, literature review, theoretical framework, methods of discussion, and systematic discussion.
Chapter II is the concept of Islamic education which include: definition of Islamic education, foundation and purpose of Islamic education and Islamic education factors.
Chapter III is the core chapter of this discussion involves understanding supernormal children, the characteristics of supernormal children, and the factors that influence intelligence.
Chapter IV is a chapter on supernormal educate children in Islamic educational perspective contains about educating children and child education supernormal supernormal in the view of Islamic education.
Chapter V is a concluding chapter that contains the conclusion that the end result of research and the advice and concluded with closing remarks.
At the end of the bibliography is also included pages, appendices, curriculum vitae.


Islam as a religion has a very broad meaning and is a system of divinity in all human life. Islamic Shari'ah for humans is that humans armed with Shari'ah is capable of assuming and realize the huge mandate, the Shari'ah requires experience, development and coaching. Coaching is what is meant by Islamic education.

A. Understanding Islamic Education
Before discussing Islamic education beforehand what the authors describe a little education itself. The term of education in the context of Islam is more widely known by the term At-Tarbiyah, At-Ta'lim, At-Ta'dib, where that term has different meanings. From the third term has caused much debate among experts about where the most appropriate term to designate the "education".
In his book, Abu Tawheed entitled "Some Aspects of Islamic Education" provides an understanding of the above three terms, namely: At-Ta'lim said a more appropriate term is aimed at "teaching" that are limited to activities convey or incorporate science into a person's brain.
So much narrower than the term "education" is meant, in other words At-Ta'lim only as part of education. And the word is more appropriate at-Ta'dib intended for the term "the moral education" per se, so the goal is just to the liver and behavior (manners.) While the word at-Tarbiyah have a broader understanding of the At-Ta'lim and At- Ta'dib even includes a second term. [28]
For that ditijau in terms of their origin, as stated Abdur Rahman an-Nahlawi, said At-Tarbiyah has three origins, namely:
a. At-Tarbiyah word derived from the word meaning ربا يربو Yang has زاد ونما (grow and grow)
b. At-Tarbiyah word derived from the word ربي - يربي that has meaning ترعرع نشأ و (grow and develop into adults)
c. At-Tarbiyah word derived from the word ر ب - ير ب that has meaning اصلحه: وتولى امره: وساسه وقام عليه ورعاه (repair, care, lead and supervise and guard it.) [29]
From the definition above the term At-Tarbiyah contain a variety of activities that nurture, develop, improve, manage, and monitor and maintain the protégé. With these activities the potentials that exist within students will experience a progression in the direction of progress.
While understanding the terminology of education has many experts who try to formulate it based on ijtihad, so no wonder that until now many definitions of Islamic education which each contain similarities and differences. Here are three definitions dikemukkan Islamic education that has been formulated by some experts include:
1. Sayid Sabiq, formulate that Islamic education is to prepare children both in terms of physical, reasonable terms, and terms rohaniyah so that he becomes a useful member of society both for himself and for his people.
2. Al-Abrasy Athiyah, stated that Islamic education is to prepare the individual so that he can live a perfect life.
3. Anwar Jundi, said Islamic education is to foster human growth continuously since he was born until he died. [30]

Of the three definitions above contain differences, which lies in the emphasis, so the three can complement each other. And when it combined the three definitions will be composed of a formulation of Islamic education is more perfect and more complete. The formulation of Islamic education is an attempt to prepare a child or an individual and foster it both in terms of body, mind and spiritual sense with the continuing growth so that he can live and berpenghidupan perfect and he can become a useful member of society for himself and his people.
So Islamic education is the development potential of the child according to their talents and interests, in addition to education should have clear objectives to be achieved and development aspects of the mind so that children develop the basic potentials freely, so that the capabilities of the child will grow and develop in accordance with physical and spiritual development so that it becomes a useful human being.
H.. M Arifin argue that Islamic education is the guidance of spiritual and physical growth according to the teachings of Islam with wisdom directing, teaching, training, caring for and overseeing the enactment of all Islamic teachings. [31]
Understanding the above is clear that Islamic education seeks to instill piety and ahlak students to form a human a personal and noble character according to the teachings of Islam.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Abrosy Athiyah stated that the general principles of Islamic education is to develop independent thinking and independent and democratic tendencies by taking into account individual learners regarding aspects of reasonable intelligence, and talent with emphasis on the moral development. [32]
Understanding Islamic education on the effort to develop the child in accordance with the intellect and talents with the guidance and with the encouragement of emphasis on the moral development.
Meanwhile, according to Mohammed Fadil al-Jamaly Islamic education is an effort to develop, encourage, and invite more advanced human-based values ​​nilia high and noble life, forming a perfectly good person associated with reason, feelings and actions. [33]
Understanding on the explain that Islamic education seeks to develop human potential both in terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor as one unified whole with the Islamic values ​​based on so hopefully people can face the future that will be faced with the capabilities already possessed.
The various terms above represent the diversity of opinions of experts. However it has a fundamental similarity so that it can be concluded that Islamic education is a conscious effort made by older adults to direct, guide and develop the whole child's potential to develop more advanced students to achieve a mature person, more perfect self-da with values ​​based sourced from the Quran and Sunna to achieve the happiness that will come.

B. Basis and objectives of Islamic Education
1. Basic Islamic Education
Basic Islamic education is the reference value should be a source of truth and power that can deliver on creating the desired activity. Should reflect the values ​​contained a universal value that can be consumed for all aspects of human life and is a standard value that can evaluate the activities during this run. [34]
Basic Islamic education in the outline there are two, namely the Al-Quran and As-Sunna that can be developed with ijtihad. [35]
Dr. Said Ismail argued that the basic ideal of Islamic education consists of six kinds, namely: (1) Al-Quran, (2) the Sunna of the Prophet, (3) The words best friend, (4) Community people (social), (5) The values and customs of society and (6) The Islamic thinkers. [36]
According to Prof. Hasan Langgulung education operational base is divided into six types:
1. Historical basis, ie basic preparation to provide students with the results of past experience, the laws and regulations, the limits and shortcomings.
2. Social basis, namely basic education that provides cultural framework that departed and moved like a cultural shift, select and develop it.
3. Economic base, namely dasra which gives perspective on human potential and financial material and preparation that regulate the sources and responsibility of spending.
4. Political and administrative basis, that is the basis which gives the basic ideological frame that is used as a place opposite to achieve the aspired goals and plans that have been made.
5. Psychological basis, namely that gives basic information about the nature of students, teachers the best ways of achieving in practice and assessment and measurement guidance.
6. philosophical base, namely base which gives kemampua choose the best to give directions of a system, controlling and giving direction to all other operational basics. [37]
The basics of making education in Islamic schools continue to experience progression toward a better, and this basis is also become a factor in determining educational goals of Islam.

2. Objectives of Islamic Education
The goal is one factor that should always exist in any educational activity, including Islamic education, besides that purpose as well as a guideline for an activity to be done. With a clear goal of educational activities will be effective and efficient and will be focused to what we aspire citi-. The above shows the importance of Islamic educational purposes.
The authors will describe the various formulations of Islamic educational purposes:
According to DR. Moh. Fadhil Al-Jamaly purpose of Islamic education is menenemkan consciousness in man to himself as the servant of God, and awareness as members of society must have a sense of social responsibility to the development of human society and inculcate the ability to manage, utilize the environment for the welfare of God's creation activity of human worship to the creator and the creator of nature itself. [38]
M. Fadhil Al-Jamaly in formulating the objectives of Islamic education in the above illustrates that Islamic education strive to develop the potential that exists in humans, it is seen by referring people to know themselves better and learn the environment, society and nature so that the necessary skills to manage and master it in order to achieve happiness live with intention to worship Allah SWT.
Meanwhile, according to the formulation of the first world conference on Muslim education held in Makkah in 1977: "Penididikan supposed to achieve balanced growth in the total human personality through the practice of spirit, intellect, rational self, feelings and sense of body awareness. Therefore, education should give way for human growth in all its aspects in a spiritual, intellectual, imaginative, physical, scientific, linguistic, both individually and collectively, in addition to motivating all these aspects towards goodness and perfection. [39]
The formulation above illustrates that the goal of Islamic education trying to grow various aspects that exist in humans with the potential of growth in order to achieve a balanced and complete.
Ali Ashraf offers educational goals of Islam with the realization of absolute submission to God at the individual, society and humanity in general.
While the specific objectives of Islamic education by Ali Ashraf is:
1. Develop an increasingly deep spiritual insight, and develop a rational understanding of Islam within the context of modern life.
2. Equipping young people with a range of knowledge and virtue are both practical knowledge, power, welfare, social environment and national development.
3. Develop skills in students to appreciate themselves and justify the comparative superiority of Islamic culture and civilization on top of all other cultures.
4. Improving emotional impulses through the imaginative experience that creative ability can flourish and learn to function Islamic norms of right and wrong.
5. Helping children who are growing and learning to think logically and guiding the thought process based on hipoteses and concepts tentanag knowledge required.
6. Develop insight and relational environment as idealized in Islam, by practicing good habits.
7. Develop, refine and deepen the ability to communicate in written language and spoken language. [40]
Of goals offered above Ashraf Ali Islamic education is another aim to develop the potential and capabilities that exist in the child a good student of spiritual, emotional, communication, intelligence, social and confidence to realize the absolute submission to Allah.
So the educational goals of the various formulations above that the potential intelligence is the ability to be considered in addition to other capabilities. Therefore it takes a step and a strategy that involves many factors.
C. Factors of Islamic Education
Achievement of the objectives of Islamic education takes a step and a strategy that involves many factors. Where this factor is a circuit that can not be separated in a system of Islamic education. The factors that form the purpose of education, educators, students, environmental and equipment factors.
The author argues that what is included educational factors did not differ by a factor of Islam in general, because the difference between Islamic education and education in general is located on the underlying sources. As Sutari Barnadib Imam in his book "Introduction to Science Education Systematic" establish the factors in the five kinds, namely:
a. Objective factors
The goal is a goal to be achieved and is a guideline that gives direction for all activities undertaken. The goal could be a motivation that is driving in a process that becomes terget achieving something.
b. Factors Educators
Educators in Islam are the ones responsible for the development of the entire potential of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. [41]
Educators who author intent in accordance with the assertion that the term in front of parents. Parents are the first adults to assume responsibility jawabpendidikan, because the parents who know the characteristics of children from early age.
c. Factors Learners
Protégé is a child who has always been progressing since the creation to death and experienced the changes that occur naturally. [42]
Children are the authors refer to is the age of 6-12 years, at this time the child is socializing with the environment. At this time parents need to consider that will affect education in the future.
d. Factor Tools
Education tool is anything that directly assist the implementation of educational goals. Educational tools can be intangible and non-concrete objects concrete. Concrete objects such as books, blackboards, etc., while the non-concrete such as advice, penalties and so forth
e. Environmental Factors
The environment is everything that exists around students either in the form of objects, events or conditions yangterjadi society especially those that can give a strong influence on children is an environment where the educational process takes place and environment where children hang out day-to-day.
Some experts divide the environment into tida part of the family environment, school and community. The third environment is a unity that should never be separated, this is because all three affect the development of students toward physical and spiritual maturity.
Environmental influences on students can be positive can be negative. Positive if it can give a boost to the success of the educational process, while the negative influence of the environment where the success of the process of success.

A. Understanding Children's supernormal
Before describing the supernormal children, the authors first describe what it's going intelligence and IQ and how measurement, because the benchmark supernormal child in this paper is the high level of intelligence.
Intelligence or intelligence is an ultimate capacity of the spirit beings that possessed only by humans, human intelligence acquired since birth and since then also the potential of intelligence began to function affects the timing and quality of individual development and, if already developed, then the function is more meaningful to humans that will affect coping with environmental quality. [43]
Intelligence is not something that is immaterial but a science fiction to describe individual behavior related to intellectual ability. [44]
The experts have a diverse understanding of intelligence, namely:
Anita E. Woolfolk argued that under the old theories, intelligence that includes three terms, namely (1) the ability to learn, (2) the overall knowledge gained, (3) the ability to adapt successfully to new situations or environments in general. Furthermore, Woolfolk argued that intelligence is one or more ability to acquire and use knowledge in order to solve problems and adapt to the environment. [45]
Alfred Binet, a pioneer of the measurement of intelligence is the main character along with Theodore Simon defines the intelligence of three components namely (a) the ability to direct the mind or directing the action, (b) the ability to change the course of action when such action has been implemented and (c) the ability to criticize ourselves alone or do autocriticism. [46]
David Wechsler intelligence scales creator of the popular to this day, defines intelligence as a collection or totality of a person's ability to act in a certain purpose, to think rationally, and to confront their environment effectively. [47]
S.C. Utami Munandar in his book "Developing Talent And Creativity School Children" states in general that the intelligence can be formulated: (a) the ability to think abstractly, (b) the ability to capture the relationship and to learn and (c) the ability to adapt to situations new. [48]
Furthermore, Wood Worth adding that intelligence is closely connected with the intellect or knowledge. Not that intelligence is a certain amount of knowledge one possesses, but with respect to the quality of intellect. Yanng utilitarian intellect is the intellect which is ready for use. Intelligence itself is an intellectually fruitful and effective manner to deal with or act in a situation or to solve problems and solve them in the act which seemed intelligent or stupid. So people who are intelligent people who are able to do or act wisely, quickly, precisely and successfully. [49]
From some understanding of the above can be authors conclude that intelligence is a mental ability that carried the individual or the human from birth that can be used to adjust in the new environment and to solve problems faced by rapidly and precisely.
Intelligence is not IQ. Intelligence is a general concept about the ability of individuals (as described above), while IQ is the result of a particular intelligence test that in fact that only a fraction of the intelligence measure. [50]
IQ stands for Intellegence Quotient indicate size or level of intelligence or intelligence. From the IQ intelligence test results are obtained by using the formula: the quotient of mental age to age or calendar Cronologis multiplied a hundred or IQ = (MA / CA) X 100. [51]
MA stands for Mental Age (mental age) which is a norm of comparison at a particular age group. For example the group of children aged 8 years most of them were able to answer correctly as many as 24 questions in the test, then the score or number is used as the norm for this group of children aged 8 years, and called the mental age of 8 years. When a child in doing the same test yanng able to answer correctly as many as 24 questions it has the mental age of 8 years. [52]
CA stands for Chronological Age (chronological age), namely the age of the child since birth that can be expressed in units of years or in units of months. For example, if a child is 8 years old were able to answer correctly as many as 24 questions then he is said to have a mental age of 8 years. And the IQ is calculated as IQ = (8 / 8) x100 = 100. Another child aged 6 years but was able to answer correctly as many as 24 in the same test would have a mental age of 8 years anyway so IQ is (8 / 6) x100 = 133. [53]
It is clear that if a child reaches the same mental age with chronological age, then he will get IQ = 100 which is logically interpreted as normal berintelegensi. When a child gain mental age is higher than the chronological age of the child is considered child berintelegensi above normal, whereas if the mental age lower than chronological age is below normal intelligence. Thus the picture of IQ principles calculations. [54]
Based on the principles calculation of IQ is an early indication of the birth of the concept of intelligence stated that "high semkin person's IQ, the higher the intelligence".
As a parent one should not ask his son to undergo the test but after knowing the score or the outcome and regardless of the score should remain happy and never stop to give input, attention to efforts that improve and maintain their intelligence.
Perhaps the child during the test conducted in a state or unhealthy condition or in a state of anxiety, and so on. These things can affect, for whatever reason it is not wise to assume the IQ of a child as being very important. [55] If parents want to know his intelligent or not parents can see signs of intelligence and the characteristics of supernormal children .
Affirmation in front of a term already supernormal children writer explained the sense that children who have intelligence above normal children and have an IQ above 110. Children belonging to supernormal which include child genius has an IQ of 140 to the top, or very gifted child has an IQ of 125-140 superoir, and superior child has an IQ of 110-125.
The restrictions mean that supernormal children:
1. Child Genius, representing groups yanng child has an IQ of 140 and above.
Genius has meaning memilliki children a high level of intelligence (IQ 140 and above) the term is also used against someone who has exceptional talent abilities. [56]
Sri Rumini In his book titled "Education Child Genius" bebrapa presented expert opinions about the limitations of the sense of genius:
a. Many lay people who believe that all children yanng bright, luminous, highly capable children are classified as geniuses.
b. There are those who identify with the talented (gifted)
c. There are those who identify with the Gifted or Highly Gifted
d. Robert Woodworth in his book "Psychology" argues that the child is a child genius who has an IQ above 140
e. Prof. Hollingwort believes the child is entitled to so-called genius IQ if its more than 180
f. In "The Wood Book Encyclopaedia" volume 8, page 87 stated that in light of psycology genius is someone with an IQ of 140 or more
g. Strung Ruth has another opinion on his genius, according to him: the word genius so often applied to individuals who have a special capacity (excellent) and was able to create some thing very high value (mutunya.) so the emphasis on the creation, not only at the level of intelligence. [57]
Of the various terms above can be concluded that the child is a child of extraordinary genius smart so that they can create something very high value, when measured by intelligence tests their lowest IQ 140 is the highest can reach 200 more.
The genius is more than super smart or very talented, they are the ones who truly great and far ahead of society, even a different world because of its contribution, for example Beed Hoven, Picasso, Issac Newton Mary Currie, Leonardo Da Vinci and so on. [58]
2. Gifted Children / Very Superior
Child gifted or very superior to have a high level of intelligence when measured by intelligence tests approximately 125-140. Gifted levels are below the level of genius and above a superior level. Gifted is a term for individuals who have an IQ or intelligence level is more than its normal IQ is between 120-140. Besides it also has a talent that stands out among other special or gifted in music, drama, skills, and expertise to lead society. [59]
In his book entitled Joseph Samsu 'Child Development and Adolescent Psychology "explained that gidted or very superior berIQ 130-139 is a proficient in reading, have knowledge of the numbers are very good, broad perbendaharaab words and understand the abstract sense. Health factors, strength and agility is more prominent daipada normal children. [60]
3. Child Superior
According to the chart the spread of superior IQ IQ occupy approximately 110-125, is the lowest class of supernormal children. Children can disefinisikan superior as a smart child who has an IQ of about 110-125, so as to achieve a high learning achievement. [61]
According to Yusuf superior Samsu ie someone who has an IQ of 120-129 this group is very successful in school or academic work, they often contained in regular classes, leadership classes are usually derived from this group. [62]
Such restrictions mean that supernormal child essentially the same ie children who have high intelligence but with different capabilities.
B. The characteristics of the Son of supernormal
Based on fact, children begin to seem intelligent since childhood, when playing them beat the other friends, when learning students outperformed the others, so that this child will master other friends. They feel created to host, not the men of the neighborhood.
So that parents can understand the kids who excel and intelligent parents can pay attention to the properties that are different from other friends:
1. From a physical aspect, he was slightly superior to his peers, both high, weight and health.
2. Smart kids are better able to concentrate in a relatively long time, here too the parents can know that his attention is very deep, thorough and intense. Signs of intelligence shown by the ability to create. If you follow the impulse and desire, then the school rules is a cause that is strong enough in the bud before it develops abort.
3. Smart kids are better able to understand issues ranging from material to abstract problems.
4. Smart kids quickly take a position with a well in the life of their communities despite the very bad situation.
To clarify the difference supernormal children writer will describe the characteristics of each level. The supernormal child characteristics (genius, Gifted / veri superior and superior) are:
1. The characteristics of the child genius
Child Genius can also be referred to as "Gifted Talented", has a very high ptensial once a protrusion of learning achievement and exceptional ability in a particular field. [63]
The characteristics of intellectually gifted children / genius by Utami Munandar SC include:
a. Easy to capture lessons
b. Good memories
c. Extensive vocabulary
d. Sharp reasoning (logical thinking, critical), to understand the causal hubungann
e. Good powers of concentration (attention is not easily distracted)
f. Mastering a lot of material on the various topics
g. Happy and often read
h. Smooth and clear self expression
i. Careful observer
j. Pleased to learn the dictionary, maps, encyclopedias
k. Quickly solve the problem
l. Quickly find the mistake / error
m. Quickly find the principle in a breakdown
n. Being able to read at a younger age
o. High abstraction power
p. Always busy handling things. [64]
While Drs. Alisuf Sabri in his book "Introduction to Psychology" states that the characteristics of the child genius is:
1. In his childhood very intelligent or possessed extraordinary abilities.
2. In addition to exceptional intelligence also his personal qualities are prominent, strongly support the achievements, its properties such as persistence, tenacity in trying to achieve something, have the trust and confidence are greatly to his chosen work. [65]
2. The characteristics of children Gifted / Very Superior
Fileger in the essay mentions the characteristics of the field of science Gifted children are:
a. Having an interest in science at that time was still pre-school
b. Department wanted to know what causes objects to work

The ability to understand abstract ideas at a young age
d. Has a strong imagination will be the objects of scientific
e. Glad to be a collection
f. Have high power capability in the field of reading
g. Possess high power capability in the field of mathematics
h. Tend to think quantitatively using the figures to help express ideas
i. Willingness to be active and excel in sports
j. Dissatisfaction is reasonable, that for other children fairly satisfied / take for granted the things scientific. [66]
3. The characteristics of the superior child
The characteristics of the child that is superior according to Baker:
a. Begin to speak earlier than normal children
b. Shows some special ability in combining words to convey his thoughts
c. Starting school at the same age as the average child
d. Can be a bit of reading before starting school
e. Did not experience failure during the school
f. At school he can do his job with ease and give the impression he will be successful without much effort
g. It gets the attention of his friends and become a leader in the movement of students, publications, schools and sebaginya
h. Demonstrate initiative in things outside of school
i. Interested in athletics or music
j. Pehatian to the reading area. [67]
From the above description can be concluded that the characteristics of supernormal children are:
1. Having inelegensi above normal
2. The higher the IQ of both the abstraction makn
3 Thinking logically, critically, rationally, and creatively
4. His mental development is faster than the calendar age
5. Environment plays an important role in its development
6. Having a high achievement, both in school and outside school
7. Attention to the reading area and a private collection
8. Attention to the reading area and a private collection
9. It never got into trouble from lessons at school
10. Physical, psychological and language more rapidly than normal children. [68]

C. Factors Affecting Intelligence
Factors that affect intelligence / intelligence by Sutratinah:
1. Genetics / heredity, the process of decline in the properties or characteristics of the next generation through seed plasma.
2. Environmental factors, ie everything that surrounds the child that affect child development that includes:
a. Nutrition, nutrients contained in food have considerable influence on the development of physical, spiritual and intelligence as well as determining a person's work productivity. If there is a shortage of nutritious food, then the child's growth and development will be hampered, especially the development of mental or brain.
b. Education, education factors greatly affect the mental development of children. For example a child born with the potential of intelligent, it will develop well if it gets a good education. Conversely even if the child has the potential of smart but do not get an education then experiencing barriers to development of intelligence. [69]
In his book "Winning Kids Prima brained" stated that basically the factors that affect on intelligence can be classified into two namely:
1. Factor in the (genetic / heredity); an innate factors that are difficult to change.
2. External factors (environment); potential to be developed to stimulate the intellect. One of the external factors that influence intelligence is the diet (diet), diet greatly affect the intellect, because the cell-forming tissues and intelligence support is formed from food because it is necessary to plan and consumption of good nutrition for children, especially since I was in the womb. [70]
Relationship factors in (heredity) and external factors (environment) is a mutual influence, individuals who have high intelligence would not be able to develop to the maximum extent possible when the environment is not profitable, so he became a child who is less intelligent. Conversely, if the environment is favorable for the development of intelligence will not be able to establish a person to be intelligent, if the basic potential of children's intelligence factor is low. For example, children ideot will not become normal even if the environment supports the development of children's intelligence. [71]


A. Educating Children supernormal
As already described in the previous chapter, that the different super abilities of children with normal children ordinary physical development, psychological and language more rapidly, have high achievement in school and outside school and never get in trouble from the lesson. Since privileges are important for educators to nurture, maintain and even expand it.
Parents should not underestimate and ignore her genius / super. Because of disdain and neglect was not good. Because then there is the possibility to perform redundant actions extinction-extinction, more than that by ignoring and belittling, it means damaging the children who have special intelligence. As long as the parents still have the attitude sepereti it means not giving opportunities for children to ascend to higher levels that can reach children, also inhibit them from living happy and productive. [72] Therefore, to avoid wasteful actions and privileges of parents extinction have to educate, preserve privileges and advantages as well as keeping a genius.
In nurturing and educating parents must prepare for those conditions and facilities that helped and encouraged to develop his personality in many respects. [73]
Parents can educate their children at home, because for a genius of the house is the heart of learning, parents can create a super house is a house full of excitement and application of teaching-learning process in an informal but fun, how:
Provide good facilities such as books, toys, pencils, paper, crayons, paints, clay, videotapes and audiotapes. These objects are very important to a burgeoning genius, because it will help exploration. [74]
Colored pencils, paint and a few sheets of paper will bring great results, because the child may use the time for hours to create a pleasant expression, and toys that do not require a lot of expenses such as an empty wooden box, a hammer (hammer) and a number of spikes , perhaps this simple tool that can open many doors and the activities of mind and hand. [75]
Wherever possible parents also provides reference books for information. The books should be kept within easy reach, so that the child would be easy to read and search for needed information. Reference books were for example: dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases and almanacs books. These books are must adan yanga reference in the library kolegsi a genius. [76] Parents can rent tersebuut books in the library if it is not possible to buy.
2. Expand praise, parents also need to create an atmosphere of joy and enthusiasm is needed, because the small genius requires constant praise. Praise is a commodity that is relatively inexpensive and requires little effort from parents. [77]
That is just with a smile, a nod of the head, a soft caress on the head or the praise is something that requires little effort of parents, but very meaningful to children because it shows the child succeed. Praise to encourage children to try harder and spirit. Children will feel good due to a compliment, a word of praise will make the child feel more meaningful and perhaps this time will not wait to learn more.
3. Joy in sharing, there is a great feeling in berberbagi; share time and divide themselves, when parents split up with the children then will engage in activities bernagai. [78]
According sutratinah Tirtonegoro, there are some efforts that should be a parent to his son that supernormal namely:
1. Creating a home environment or family harmonious and balanced with supernormal child.
2. Preparing the physical environment means the natural-social-which enables children to develop the ability to:
- Find a friend who can develop the intellectual and social attitudes.
- Provide a small library at home as well as supporting the curriculum in schools for enrichment materials.
- Provide the necessary facilities children; a good place to learn, opportunities to conduct experiments, in addition to providing material assistance in the form of moral encouragement, understanding and guidance.
- Parents should be warned with a smooth, given the explanation that makes sense so that explanation can be accepted with understanding the child, and if it will forbid something should be with good reason and logical. [79]
In his book Ali Sulaiman, entitled "Gifted Children How To Know And Membinanya" explained that there are some things to watch parents in educating their children is superior:
1. Parents should look at the child and treat it with all the feelings he had thought and action and consider the associated denganny not separate parts.
2. Parents should not only give awards to children because of their intellectual ability and academic achievement, but also should pay attention to other traits that can help children to be able to develop his abilities.
3. Parents should motivate children to be constantly working and researching though sometimes fail, parents hendaknnya not of the view that all efforts must succeed.
4. Parents should be a good role model and an ideal example of giving attention, cooperation and active participation so that children can learn patterns of behavior. [80]
In addition, parents can also use the appropriate method to enhance the learning process super, a method that can lead to stimulation and active learning activities, namely how to:
1. Developing an identity, for example by introducing children to the famous people born on the same date and month and encourage reading the stories of their lives. The magical world of a genius will be open for him to give him a beautiful self-identity.
2. Games, such as games or word, word games can be very enjoyable; swatch difficult words spoken, the sentences are almost the same words, and poems are spoken quickly and let the kids try to pronounce three times without making mistakes.
3. Browse library
4. Take a walk outdoors
5. Creating and ask questions. [81]
If parents want their children to a super successful, so parents should encourage their children with positive motivation. Due to positive motivation can make believe in its potential and justify the doubts. The scientists further enlighten the world with their findings were the result of a very deep motivation. For example, the motivation of Thomas Alva Edison made tens of thousands of failures, until finally he found the electric light that brings electricity into the life of the era. [82]
There are six spells to enhance children's natural motivation, namely:
1. Create an engaging learning atmosphere and healthy in the house.
2. Take care and fill your mind and thoughts of children with positive goals.
3. Mix with people who breathes and inspires motivation and positive actions of children, do not be swayed by people who like to harass or people who berfikiran negative.
4. Building a suggestion or talk positively to yourself is the best way to trigger motivation.
5. Do not colonize the brain child, encourage him to always build the creative independence.
6. Introduce children to the world of famous people; the inventors, people-wise and the wise statesmen. [83]
As the description in front of that one factor that affects intelligence is a nutritious food. Nutritious food that is supporting brain function from the outside. The brain is a genius and to optimize bersemayamnya parents had to feed his brain with a healthy and nutritious food.
Nutritional adequacy is an important prerequisite in child development including brain development, consisting of nutrient substances such macro; proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. And micro substances such as vitamins, certain minerals such as iodine, iron, zinc (zinc), phosphorus, sulfur, and medicines and antidioksidan. [84]
Fats and oils also is one food that is essential for brain growth, but not all types of fats and oils play a role in brain formation. Advantages and shortcomings and errors in the consumption of fats and oils can cause disease. Type of acid is the most important essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. chemically human brain is the organ that contains a thin layer (membrane) of fat. In order to function properly required membrane fatty acid omega-3 and omega 6. Asan omega-3 and omega-6 are also present in breast milk has an important role in increasing the intelligence of children. [85] It is therefore important for parents to give their children nutritious food to the intelligence of children is maintained.
From the above description explains the importance and magnitude of the role of parents in giving encouragement and meet all your needs. All it will give him the feeling that he was living in a world of fun among the people who understand and appreciate it.
To develop and optimize the intelligence and ability, let parents send their children as early as possible, the school has a special urgency in this regard, since many schools can provide opportunities for children who are not given their parents. In order for children to have a balance then the parents should choose the right school, which was not spay intelligence.
It is a fact that parents are the first teachers for their children if the child has entered school, the parent is a major partner for her teacher. Even as their parents have an important role as a student that is oarng parents, volunteers, policy makers, members of the cooperation of teachers, in that role allows parents to help improve the development and growth of their children. [86]
Parents can get involved in the development of their children's education ministry, by the way:
1. In cooperation with teachers from pre-school
2. Participate draft educational programs for children super to accommodate interests and needs of its potential. [87]
There are several steps that parents can do to obtain good results of cooperation:
1. Be calm, think and decide what questions will be submitted later write.
2. Telephone child's teacher and respectfully ask for time to meet. Tone of voice should be friendly and cooperative.
3. If managed to meet teachers, explain calmly the things that bother pikiram, teachers may have information that is not katahui parents, parents and teachers can begin to work together to alleviate and solve problems facing children.
4. Parents should answer questions truthfully and completely as possible. The more opinions the more effective action in addressing the problem of teachers.
5. Ask your teacher expectations related to the behavior in the classroom, homework and parental involvement. Ask the opinion of teachers about the steps that need to be applied at home.
6. Follow the advice given teacher. Teachers may be able to give suggestions that can be done at home based on experience. [88]
These have been some attempts to do parents in educating their children are super, efforts like this will bring happiness of children in the child's ability to avoid waste, all it takes is a little initiative and a stack of interest.
The following will be the authors demonstrated the participation of parents of children who super (genius):
Child genius Abyoto family has two sons who belong to a genius named:
1. R. Revelation Purnawan (13 years) high school students Cadet Jaya Jl. Kramat II / 80 A Jakarta. Has particularly IQ 150 (genius). SD completed within three years, the junior completed within two years and completed high school within 2 years, he also has a National diploma in English and German.
2. R. Kun Ward (11 years). High school students Terunajaya Jl. Kramat II / 80 A Jakarta, has an IQ of 152 (genius). Completed elementary school for 2 years, the junior completed within two years, completed high school only for 1 year. He also has a National diploma in English and German as well as typing.
Both brothers are clearly demonstrated supernormal children classified as geniuses, the dispensation from the department permission P and K, both of which can follow the senior secondary level in high school EBTA Nageri III Jl. Setia Budi Jakarta.
Participation of parents and Kun Purnawan Rev. Ward:
Abyoto mother was a teacher has been teaching at SMP Santa Ursula Jakarta. Pendididkan For the sake of her children, she was willing to give up his job was to keep close to them every day. Learning progress their children are not separated from the support and attention from teachers and schoolmates, but no less profound lack of attention from parents. Both parents play in education through:
1. Attention learning time. Abyoto father never forced his children to learn, because since childhood learning is a habit formed since childhood in the midst of the family.
2. Her children are always given the tools to learn to taste but also always accustomed to the simple life.
3. Abyoto very concerned mom food menu, is also linked to the learning progress of children who need nutrition for physical health.
4. The existence of an organized recreation, will add to the excitement of life, clear your mind of daily fatigue.
5. Should not be overlooked also the warmth of a family that create a sense of security and peace in happiness. [89]

B. Education supernormal in view of Islamic Education
God gives special tools and common sense to humans in order to use the best possible way for these things will be asked jawabnya.sebagaimana word of Allah SWT QS. Al-Israa: 36 which reads:
000 ان السمع والبصر و الفؤ ا د كل ا تئك كا ن عنه مسئو لا
means: "... Verily vision and hearing as well as the hearts of all that he said would be held to account." [90]
The above verse gives a signal to men that all the sensory organs, called outer and inner sense should be utilized as possible, which is to pay attention to God's creatures in nature. With a sense that the Qur'an invites people to think scientifically, pay attention and try to get to the natural laws that apply to objects, and allows for tangible and physical nature, and start the creation, meaning that mind is not only required to master the power of object- objects but also pay attention to what is behind these objects. by itself fully accountable to the people of God. [91]
From the above verse indirectly Islam commands to men who have great reason to always pay attention and conduct research on objects that exist in nature. In this case the primary responsibility of parents towards their children the use of reason, for it must always guard and guide their children in good potential.
Islam also gives guidance to parents to always pay attention in educating the child's ability level, like the Prophet in the hadith which reads:
ا مر ت ان اخا طب النا س على قد ر عقو لهم (روه مسلم)
"I was told to speak to people according to their intellectual abilities." (HR.Muslim) [92]
Hadiths above explains that parents / educators in implementing the tasks have to adjust so that the children's cognitive ability and will focus on children can continue to grow. [93]
From the above verses and hadith shows that Islam highly encourages intellectual education and burdensome responsibility of educators, especially parents of the child's abilities, including children belonging to supernormal.
Supernormal child has outstanding advantages that differ from normal children mendidiknyapun usual. Advantages of supernormal children, among others, have the power to recall and manghapal. Islamic education in the most important thing that needs to be taught is to memorize the verses of the holy al-quran, because virtue is very large, which is described in the hadith of the Prophet SAW said:
من قر أ الق ا ن و تعلمه و عمل به ألبس يو م القيا مة تا جا ون نو ر ضو ؤ ه مثل ضو ء الشمس ويكسى والد يه حلتا ن لا يقو م بهما الد نيا فيقو لا ن نما كسينا هدا فيقا ل يأ خد و لد كما القرآ ن. (روه الحا كم)
"Anyone who reads the Koran and study it and practice it, then on the Day of Resurrection will be charged to him a crown made of light, a light such as sunlight, sedankan on both parents will be subject to two pieces of clothing that can not be refuted by the world. Then they asked, Why We're given this pekaian then answered, "because your son learn the Koran." (Narrated by al-Hakim.) [94]
To teach the Koran to children of parents can put their children into groups penghapal Al-Quran, parents can enroll their children in a religious teacher who has known good and piety ahlaknya hapalannya.
In addition to memorizing the Koran, should also be taught to memorize the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad from authentic books, such as saheeh muslim and sahih bukhari. Chose a simple expression hadiths and easily captured the meaning and benefit the lives of children. Like the love of Allah and His Messenger and the hadith-hadith relating to the moral and ethics. [95]
In the Islamic education of children are also encouraged to memorize proverbs of wisdom and truth. Memorizing will help children understand the verses and hadiths that inside a lot of expressions that contain proverbs. Ibn Jawzi said that in the Koran there are 43 proverbs. Among the examples of the proverb is: "what are you planting, will you exert nevertheless, beware of the evil man you do good to him; he who does not know a case, then he aka repeat it." Parents should explain the purpose of saying that in accordance with child's level of understanding. [96]
To fulfill the desire in the field of new discoveries parents can provide a library at home, choose one room that can be reached by children, the library may contain ensiklpedi scholarly or scientific magazines. And should parents do not need to pay attention to it until the child is taken in the propaganda of secularization which is usually contained within the western scientific method it could be a translation of the books that come from the west. [97]
Parents should also encourage their children to continue to examine, by directing attention to the child in the universe; tell you about the goodness and beauty that is the creature of God in a way to get children to respect all of God's creation that exist in nature, and conduct research. Parents can provide a tool to investigate such a microscope, telescope and so on. In this case God commands the people to always think of the favors of Him and what He has created, either in heaven or on earth. [98] In the QS. Yunus: 101 reads:
قل ا نظروا ما دا فى السموا ت والأرض
"Say, look at what is in heaven and in earth." [99]
Environment plays an important role in the development of supernormal children, therefore parents should strive for their children can socialize with the environment. One of them is parents need to find a friend who has the intelligence so that children can channel his abilities.
In Islamic education for their children to find friends that have not only high IQ / intelligent but also a good moral and strong akidahnya, because a friend had a great impact. This is reflected in the words of The Prophet:
اا لمر ء على د ين خليله فلينطر احد كم من يخا لل (روه التر مد ي)
"Someone was based on his religion, therefore, consider to whom he befriended." [100]
In addition to efforts on the child should be given dorangan motivation because motivation to make believe in its potential. (As described above.)
Position in educational theory of motivation states that motivation related to the psychic functions, concerning the human psyche. In this regard the teachings of Islam is that in addition to the physical element of the human element is also equipped with a psychic / soul and drives the sports person's behavior in the form of motivation to do certain acts. [101] The word of God is the source of motivation is QS. Al-Zalzalah verses 7-8.
فمن يعمل مثقال ذرة خيرا يره (7) فمن يعمل مثقال ذرة شرا يره (8).
"Whoever is doing too good of weighing small ant, surely he would see the (children) it". (7).
"And whoever does evil as heavy as any small ant, surely he will see the return anyway". (8). [102]
As explained previously that the intelligence associated with the intellect and the brain, where they can be influenced by several factors, including the food (nutrition). In Islamic education in addition to nutritious food / good too concerned with kosher food, as Allah says Surat an-Nahl: 114
فكلوا مما رزقكم الله حللا طيبا ...
Meaning: "So eat of the lawful and good of the sustenance which God has given unto you .." [103]
therefore, although nutritious / good but not kosher then it is not allowed / forbidden. Because food and beverages eaten by humans have an influence on physical and spiritual to the parents to prohibit children too full because the cause unfavorable effects in children. [104]
The period of child development both physically, mentally resourceful and desperate need of good nutrition. Islamic Shari'ah advised his people to consume a variety of substances are highly nutritious food needed by the human body. [105]
According to the fate Ulwan For science, thought and brain-owned children mature, parents should provide the means and varied cultures that are useful include:
1. Establish a special library for children's books containing the general thought that in accordance with reason and level of understanding of children who present Islam in many respects, and the books are rejected vagueness of Islamic rules which are influenced by the enemies of Islam, scientific books Islamic history, literature, medicine in accordance with the understanding, perception and age of the child.

And magazines Islamic-oriented knowledge and scientific discussion, not deviate from Islam, using slides to expand their horizons and knowledge views. Using a slide flim-related nature of science, the past glory of Islamic history, and educational directives, is to increase the spirit of the child if they see with their own eyes.
2. Occasional visits to museums; visit to the museum will open new horizons of children in the form of knowledge, culture and history.
3. Visiting the public library, either classical or modern, to get children brave and true science are familiar with the warehouse and also to introduce the cultural heritage of Muslims in the realm of thought and ilm to uncover the Islamic worldview about nature, life, and humans. And to open up new insights about the cultural revival of Muslims ever achieved several centuries ago.
4. Instilling the desire to keep reviewing, moving from the exalted poetry of Islam and the Quran letters Az-Zumar: 9
هل يستوى الذين يعلمون والذين لا يعلمون
"Whether as a knowledgeable with people who are not knowledgeable." [106] And go from feeling responsible for the preservation of Islamic thought yanng mandated on the shoulders of parents and educators, should instill early on that Islam is a religion and state. [107]
According to H. Khairiyah Taha MA in his book "The concept of Mother Exemplary" mentions that in order for intellectual education can achieve optimum results there are a number of ways and methods that can be taken include:
1. Parents should raise awareness for hearing and reminded the positive things in children, with the ins and outs of how to convey the teachings of Islam gradually.
2. Provide a mini library in the child's room that consists of books on stories of the prophets and the Prophet, his companions and books useful knowledge for the future of children in accordance with the demands of the age, development and ability.
3. Sepergaulan find friends who have intelligence and adequate scientific excellence so that it can affect the scientific thinking and behaving. [108]
These have been some efforts that can be done in educating parents and children maintain supernormal taken from expert opinion and confirmed by al-quran and hadith.
The following will be the authors demonstrated supernormal children of Islam:
Abbdullah Ibn Abbas (an expert commentators and scholars of Fiqh.) He is an intelligent in childhood, is seen from his mind is more mature than her age, and pengetahunnya wider than his age, all the verses of the Quran that He heard, he memorized by rote, and all the hadith the Prophet that he was with, he understood and he understood completely. Abdullah also often associate with old ornga to listen to stories about 'events Arabs "from them. Therefore, at the age of eighteen he had become a young man whose extensive knowledge pengetahunnya so people often come to her house to ask about ta'wil the verses of al-quran, hadith the prophet SAW or problems related to fiqh, language and Arab events. [109]
From the example above, it can be concluded that supernormal children has existed since the time of the Prophet.

[1] Ahmad Tafsir, Science Education in Islamic Perspective, (London: Youth Rosdakarya, 1992) p.. 74
[2] Tim Compiler Construction Dictionary and Language Development Center, MOEC, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesian, Ed.2, ​​(Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1995) p.. 232
[3] Vashti Soemanto, Work Leadership Educational Psychology Educational Foundation, (New York: Rineka Copyright, 1998) p. 176
[4] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro, Son of supernormal and its Education Program, (Jakarta: Bina Literacy, 1984) p.. 25
[5] Ibid., P.. 3
[6] Compiler Team Coaching and Development Centre dictionary language, MOEC, Op Cit., P.. 760
[7] Abu Tauhied, Some Aspects of Islamic Education, (New York: Secretary of the Head of Department Faculty of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Tarbiyah, 1990) p.13
[8] Ma'ruf Zurayk, I and my son Practical Guidance Towards Educating Young Children, (London: Al-Bayan, 1998) hal.76
[9] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro, Op Cit p.14
[10] Al-Khafiz Yazid bin Abi Abdillah Sunan Ibn Muh Majjah, (Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr tth,) p.. 391
[11] Ministry of Religious Affairs, Al-Quran and translation, (New York: Surya Gipta Literacy, 1993) p.. 957
[12] Khairiyah Taha Husain, MA, Mrs. Concept Model (New York: Proceedings of Gusti, 1992) Page. 71-72
[13] Fuaduddin TM, Family Child Care in Islam, (New York: Cooperation Institute for Religion and Gender Solidarity With Women And The Asia Foundation, 1999) p.. 16
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[15] Fuaduddin TM, Op Cit., P.. 19-20
[16] Yahya Mukhtar, Growth Intellect and instinct Utilizing the Child, (New York: Crescent Star, 1970) p.. 34
[17] Suhartin Cirtoroto, Rumble-Seat Education, (New York, Work Literacy, 1983) hal.5
[18] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro Op Cit., P.. 30-31
[19] Sakuntala Devi, Build Your Child's Genius, (New York: Nuance Foundation Scholar: 2002) p.89-94
[20] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro, Op Cit., P.. 131
[21] Sakuntala Devi, Op Cit., P.. 186-188
[22] Abdullah fate Ulwan, Children's Education According to Islam, Basic Rule-Rule, (London: Youth Rosdakarya, 1992) p.. 402-406
[23] Ali Sulaiman, gifted child and How to Know Membinanya, (Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2001) p.. 38
[24] Winarno Surachmad, Introduction to Basic Scientific Research (Bandung Tarsito: 1985) p.139
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[27] Ibid., P16
[28] Abu Tawhid and Mangun Budianto, some aspects of Islamic Education, (Yogyakarta: Secretary of the Head of Department Faculty of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Tarbiyah, 1990) hal.8
[29] Ibid., Page. 9
[30] Ibid., P.11-12
[31] HM Arifin, Science, Islamic education, (London: Earth Literacy, 1991) p.. 41
[32] Al-abrasy Athiyah, Basic Principles of Islamic Education, interpreter, Prof.. H. Bustami, (New York: Crescent Star, 1970) p.. 165
[33] Muhammad Fadhil al-Jamaly, Philosophy of Education In the Qur'an, (Surabaya: Bina Sciences 1986) p.. 3
[34] Muhaimin and Abdul Mujib, the Islamic Educational Thought, (London: Trigenda Works, 1993) Page. 144
[35] zakiah Darajat, Islamic Education, (London: Earth Literacy, 1992) p.. 19
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[37] Hasan Langgulung, Principles of Islamic Education, (New York: PustakaAl and Attributes, 1988) p.. 9-12
[38] HM Arifin Philosophy of Islamic Education, (London: Earth Literacy, 1993) p.. 133
[39] Ali Ashraf, New Horizon Islamic Education (London: Eden, 1989) Page. 25
[40] Ibid., P.. 130-133
[41] Ahmad Tafsir, Islamic Education, (London: Youth Rosdakarya, 1992) p.. 74-75
[42] Imam Sutari Barnadib, Systematic Introduction to Science Education, (Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 1995) p.. 79.
[43] Alisuf Sabri, Introduction to General Psychology and Development, (Jakarta: Guidelines for Science Jaya, 1993) p.. 111
[44] Samsu Joseph, Perkembanngan Child And Adolescent Psychology, (London: Youth Rosdakarya, 2002) p.. 106
[45] Ibid
[46] Saifudin Azwar, Introduction to Psychology of Intelligence, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Utama, 2002) p.. 5
[47] Ibid thing., 7
[48] ​​S.C. Utami Munandar, Developing Talent And Creativity School Children; Help Teachers and Parents, (New York: Scholastic Widiasarana Indonesia, 1992) p.. 19
[49] Alisuf sabri, Op Cit., Page. 111
[50] Irwanto Dkk. General Psychology, (New York: Scholastic Press, 1977) p.. 171
[51] Alisuf Sabri, Op Cit., Hal.113
[52] Saifudin Azwar. Op Cit., Page. 52
[53] Ibid., Page. 53
[54] Ibid
[55] Sakuntala Devi, Build Your Child's Genius, (Bandung, Nuance Foundation Scholar, 2002) p.. 235
[56] Department of Education. Big Indonesian Dictionary, (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1989) p.. 359
[57] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro, supernormal Child And His education program, (Jakarta: Bina Literacy, 1984) p.. 31-32
[58] Joan Freeman, Utami Munandar, Smart And Bright, (Jakarta, Pustaka, 2001) p.. 7
[59] Ibid., P.. 33
[60] Samsu Joseph, Op Cit., P.. 112
[61] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro, Loc Cit., P. 33
[62] Joseph Samsu Loc Cit.,
[63] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro, Op cit., P.. 34
[64] S.C Utami Munandar, opcit., P.. 33-34
[65] Alisuf Sabri, Op Cit., P..
[66] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro Op Cit., P.. 41
[67] Ibid., P.42
[68] Ibid., P.. 42-43
[69] Ibid., Hal.20-21
[70] Toni Setia Budi,, Hardywioto, SKM (ed), Son Excellence brained Prima, (New York: Scholastic Press, 2002) p.. 154
[71] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro Op Cit., P.. 22
[72] Sadik Samaan, zakiah Darajat, Kids The Shining, (New York: Crescent Star, 1980) p.. 18
[73] Ibid., P.. 71
[74] Sakuntala Devi, Wake your child's Genius, (New York: Nuance Foundation Scholar, 2002) p.. 89
[75] Sadik Samaan, zakiah Darajat, Op Cit., Page. 72
[76] Sakuntala Devi, Op Ci., T it. 105-106
[77] Ibid., Page. 93
[78] Ibid., Page. 94
[79] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro, supernormal Child And His education program, (Jakarta: Bina Literacy, 1984) Page. 131-132
[80] Ali Sulaiman, Gifted Child How To Know And Membinanya, (Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2001) p.. 37
[81] Sakuntala Devi Op Cit., P. 186-188
[82] Ibid., P.. 171
[83] Ibid., P.. 172
[84] Toni Setiabudhi, Hardywioto, SKM. (Ed) Children's brains Prima Superior, (Jakarta: Pustaka Utama, 2002) Page. 133
[85] Ibid thing. 138
[86] Soemantri Patmono Dewo, Educators Pre-School Children, (New York: Rineka Copyright, 2000) p. 123
[87] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro Loc Cit., P.. 131
[88] Sakuntala Devi Op Cit., P.. 239-240
[89] Sutratinah Tirtonegoro Op Cit., P.. 132-134
[90] Department of Religion, the Qur'an and Translation, (New York: Surya Cipta Literacy, 1993) p.. 429
[91] Dzakiah Darajat, Islamic Education in the Family and School, (New York: Ruhama, 1995) p. 7
[92] Syahminan Zaini, Basic Principles of Islamic Conception of Education, (London: Kalam Noble, 1986) p.. 118
[93] M Athiyah Al-Abrasion, Some Thoughts Islamic Education, (London: Titian divine Perss, 1996) hal.84
[94] Adnan Hasan Salih Baharits, Corporate Jawag Father Against Boys, (Jakarta: Gema Insani, 1996) p.. 278
[95] Ibid., P.. 280
[96] Ibid., P.. 280
[97] Ibid., Page. 283-284
[98] Ibid., P.. 305-306
[99] Department of Religion, Op Cit., P.. 322
[100] Ahmad Tafsir, Islamic Education in Islamic Perspective, (London: Youth Rosdakarya, 1992) p.. 174
[101] Imam Bamawi, Segi-Segi Islamic Education, (New York: Al-Ikhlas, 1987) p.125
[102] Department of Religion, Op Cit., Hal.1087
[103] Ibid., P. 419
[104] Adnan Hasan righteous, Op Cit., P. 319
[105] Asnely Ilyas, Wanting Children Salih, Principles of Education Child In Islam (Bandung: Mizan, 1998) p. 54
[106] Ministry of Religious Affairs Op Cit., Page. 747
[107] Abdullah fate Ulwan, Children's Education According to Islam, Basic Rule-Rule, (London: Youth Rosdakarya, 1992) p.. 402-406.
[108] H. Khairiyah Taha Husain, MA, Mrs. Concept Model, (New York: Proceedings of Gusti, 1992) p.. 73
[109] Jonah Muhdhor and Umm Al-Rayes Maslamah, Life of Persons Salih, (Semarang: CV Ash-Shifa, 1992) p.125


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